Sunday, January 30, 2011

Salute to Mahatma Gandhi.

Salute to this great martyr, who laid down his his life for our country.
He was shot dead by the fanatic Nathuram Godse on 30th January 1948. The immediate motive for the assassination is usually ascribed to Gandhi's January 13, 1948 decision to fast to the death, a term of which was that the Indian central government reverse a decision to withhold the transfer of 55 crore (550 million) rupees to the government of Pakistan. The transfer had been specified in the partition agreement, but the Indian government had refused to complete it, complaining of the Pakistani military occupation of part of the Indian state of Kashmir. The Indian government immediately reversed its decision to withhold the funds, which infuriated Godse and his friends. 
Whatever may be his views, today, we Indians salute this great leader who had a major role in making India an independent country in a peaceful, but effective manner. He has altered the very outlook of the world towards India.